Friday, June 8, 2012

Hello world!

Hey all,

This is my very first post so bear with me as I get used to this blogging business. I have seen/read numerous fitness and optometry school blogs and they have inspired me to try it out.

Goals for this blog:
  • Document my experiences with Optometry school 
  • Have the ability to visually see my progress as I try to become fit and toned
  •  Inspire others to go for their dreams and become healthier :)
A little about me and my life right now:

I'm 21 years old and recently graduated from college. I'm attending Nova Southeastern University College of Optometry in July! I move mid-July and classes start July 31st - it's creeping up fast and I'm full of excitement and nervousness! I found a roommate through our FB group and we are finishing up paperwork to rent a condo about 2 minutes from campus! I cannot wait to move to Fort Lauderdale and meet my new "optometry family". It'll be a great way to start fresh!

I have 2 months until I move into a place where it's always amazing beach weather which means I NEED to get off my butt and start working out and eating healthy. My goal is to tone up and lose the "baby weight" I've carried with me my whole life. I love food and cooking/baking, so this will be interesting...I'm hoping to find some great healthy recipes to fulfill my inner foodie and my huge sugar tooth :/ 

Anyways, feel free to subscribe to follow me as I try to reach my goal!

Fabulous, FIT and Flirty: Dr. Oz's "Weight-orade"

Found this great recipe for a "weight-orade" online! It can increase your metabolism by 12 PERCENT just from 1 glass! And it's so easy - I most likely have all the ingredients at home! Can't wait to try this! 

Fabulous, FIT and Flirty:

Dr. Oz's "Weight-orade"..

Hey guys!  Dr. Oz pos...
: Dr. Oz's "Weight-orade".. Hey guys!  Dr. Oz posted this yummy, refreshing recipe that's shown to increase your metabolism by 12% afte...